
Rongheng company actively supports its parent company's carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, participates in global climate governance, and independently completes internal greenhouse gas inventory with authoritative certification. logo

Shanghai Rongheng: obtains authoritative organizational greenhouse gas verification statement

Rongheng company actively supports its parent company's carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, participates in global climate governance, and independently completes internal greenhouse gas inventory with authoritative certification.

Textile and apparel industry

Rongheng company actively supports its parent company's carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, participates in global climate governance, and independently completes internal greenhouse gas inventory with authoritative certification.

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                        Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Comprehensive Green Transformation of Economic and Social Development", which states that promoting the greening and low-carbonization of economic and social development is a key component for achieving high-quality development. The goal has been set to establish a green production mode by 2030.

                        Green and low-carbon development is an intrinsic requirement for the sustainable development of enterprises. The widespread adoption of green production methods requires the collective effort of all businesses. To achieve green and low-carbon development, conducting a carbon inventory to understand the carbon emissions from a company's operations is a fundamental task. It is crucial for scientifically planning carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, identifying emission reduction opportunities, and fostering emission reduction innovations.

                        Recently, with the help of Carbon Newture, Orient International Holding Shanghai Rongheng International Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Rongheng Company," a wholly-owned subsidiary of Orient International (Group) Co., Ltd.) actively responded to its parent company's carbon peaking and neutrality development policy and participated in global climate governance. Rongheng Company independently completed its corporate carbon inventory and obtained the organizational greenhouse gas verification certificate issued by the authoritative third-party certification body TÜV SÜD. This achievement not only facilitated communication of carbon data and strategic alignment with its parent company but also served as a model and motivator for other affiliated companies.

                        Rongheng Company obtains organizational greenhouse gas verification statement from authoritative third-party certification body

                        Orient International Group Rongheng Company: multi-pronged approach to green production, green finance, and green trade

                        Orient International (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Orient International Group") is a large, comprehensive enterprise group with advanced manufacturing and modern services, focusing on the fashion industry, health industry, and supply chain services. The group has established a number of advanced manufacturing bases both domestically and internationally, with capabilities including the world's second-largest automotive interior production, the second-largest fashion bag production, the fourth-largest sweater manufacturing capacity, and various garment (fabric) manufacturing factories supporting trade. The group has expanded its business to over 190 countries and regions worldwide, collaborating with many well-known multinational companies. It owns renowned brands such as "San Qiang," "Yijia," and "Galaxy," as well as proprietary high-tech fibers like Liao Bamboo.

                        The group actively responds to the national carbon peaking and carbon neutrality strategy by focusing on the green and low-carbon transformation of its core businesses, aiming to create new types of productivity and core competitiveness, and advancing high-quality and sustainable development.

                        Source: Orient International Group official website

                        As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Orient International Group, Rongheng Company is dedicated to providing green, low-carbon, and sustainable one-stop solutions for underwear textiles, while actively supporting its parent company's carbon peaking and neutrality development policies and participating in global climate governance.

                        Guided by Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals

                        Rongheng Company has set dual carbon goals of "carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050" and has developed a detailed three-year plan. This plan includes producing and selling the first batch of carbon-neutral products, completing carbon inventories for its Shanghai headquarters and domestic Shandong factory, gradually expanding the coverage of carbon footprint accounting and carbon inventory, and achieving a carbon inventory for its overseas factory in Bangladesh by 2026.

                        A scene of Ms. Shen Fenglin, deputy general manager of rongheng company, being interviewed

                        Focusing on Product Carbon Footprints

                        In the first half of 2024, Rongheng Company completed the certification of its first batch of carbon-neutral products, which were showcased at the 2024 Shanghai International Carbon Neutral Technology Expo. By exploring and establishing a carbon footprint tracking system for its underwear products, Rongheng Company promotes low-carbon and sustainable development. Having completed the carbon footprint tracing and management for its underwear products, the company plans to extend its carbon footprint work to other products such as light textiles to achieve a comprehensive low-carbon development strategy.

                        Rongheng company's first batch of carbon neutral underwear debuts at the 2024 Shanghai International Carbon Neutral Technology Expo

                        Setting a Benchmark for Green Finance

                        Notably, the carbon-neutral project for this product represents an innovative practice in the green finance field for Orient International Group. Rongheng Company, in collaboration with Construction Bank and Carbon Newture, has set a benchmark for actively advancing "green transformation" and stimulating "green finance" within the industry.

                        Orient International Group, Construction Bank, and Carbon Newture jointly launch carbon finance project at the 2024 Shanghai International Carbon Neutral Expo

                        Centering on Corporate Carbon Inventory

                        Following the creation of its first carbon-neutral underwear product, Rongheng Company continues to implement its short-term carbon goals. With the support of Carbon Newture, the company completed its corporate carbon inventory and obtained the organizational greenhouse gas verification certificate issued by the authoritative third-party certification body TÜV SÜD (The organizational boundary includes Orient International Holding Shanghai Rongheng International Trading Co., Ltd., its wholly-owned subsidiary Jining Rongheng Clothing Co., Ltd., and the latter's branch office in Shanghai.) Based on the inventory results, Rongheng Company actively promotes continuous improvement of greenhouse gas reduction measures to mitigate the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on global warming and advance a low-carbon, circular economy and sustainable development.

                        At Rongheng company's shanghai headquarters, employees are making sample garments

                        Orient Rongheng Lingerie Co., Ltd.(Jining)

                        Rongheng Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Orient International Group. For the parent group, the subsidiary’s independent carbon inventory efforts are crucial for overall green development, providing significant data communication and strategic coordination. Additionally, it serves as a model and driver for other subsidiaries.

                        As a leading foreign trade enterprise, Rongheng Company aims to meet the low-carbon demands and expectations of international market customers by promoting low-carbon operations among domestic and international suppliers and within its own operations. The company will also actively participate in global climate governance and environmental issues, demonstrating its international responsibility.

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