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Wuxi Chunyu: Biodegradable Packaging Bags, Reducing Plastic Use for a Lower Carbon Footprint

In response to the national carbon reduction strategy and customer demands, with the assistance of Carbon Newture, the biodegradable hand-carry bags produced by Chunyu Environment-friendly have completed carbon footprint accounting and obtained the Carbon Footprint Certification issued by the authoritative third-party organization SGS.

Light industry and consumer goods industry

Wuxi Chunyu Environment-friendly Products Co., Ltd.

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                        Wuxi Chunyu Environment-friendly Products Co., Ltd.

                        Chunyu Environment-friendly Products Co., Ltd. (Chunyu Environment-friendly), established for over a decade, is a technology-innovative company dedicated to the research, production, and sales of polymer biodegradable materials. The company supplies to numerous renowned global brands (such as MUJI, UNIQLO, Walmart, Thermos, etc.), aiding in the industry's sustainable transformation by producing lower-carbon sustainable packaging bags.

                        Business background

                        • Global plastic production, consumption, and waste continue to increase, with projections indicating that by 2050, global plastic production will reach 340 billion tons, and plastic waste generation will be approximately 300 million tons per year. While plastic has brought significant convenience to people's lives, "white pollution" has become one of the globally recognized major environmental issues.

                        • In recent years, both domestically and internationally, measures such as "plastic restrictions" and "plastic bans" have been continuously upgraded. Biodegradable packaging materials, with characteristics such as biodegradability and low pollution, have become excellent alternatives to traditional plastics, reducing white pollution and decreasing the extraction of fossil resources and energy utilization.

                        • Compared to traditional petroleum-based packaging, biodegradable packaging is lower in carbon emissions. Products using biodegradable packaging are more environmentally friendly, and consumers trust and prefer companies and products that strive to protect the Earth's environment. Using packaging with a lower carbon footprint can reduce the overall carbon footprint of products from the source, making biodegradable packaging more favored by brand owners.

                        • Chunyu Environment-friendly focuses on the research and development of polymer biodegradable materials and formulations, creating various biodegradable packaging solutions that meet customer brand requirements and leading industry sustainability transformation from the supply chain source (packaging materials).

                        Integrated solution

                        Through the carbon footprint calculation and verification services provided by Carbon Newture, and utilizing the Carbon Newture digital carbon management platform, Chunyu Environment-friendly has not only gained insights into the carbon footprint distribution during the production process of its products but also provided downstream customers with compliant and reliable carbon footprint data. This effort aids in the sustainable transformation of brands and carbon reduction in the supply chain. Additionally, Chunyu Environment-friendly has obtained the Carbon Footprint Verification Statement from the authoritative third-party organization SGS, thereby mitigating potential risks associated with inaccurate carbon data calculation and other "greenwashing" practices. 

                        Chunyu Environment-friendly:Clarifying the full lifecycle carbon footprint of products to facilitate sustainable transformation for brand owners

                        Packaging is not only an important medium of communication between brand owners and consumers, determining consumers' first impression of the product, but also an essential component of the product's carbon footprint.

                        The product undergoing carbon footprint accounting and certification by Chunyu Environment-friendly this time is a biodegradable hand-carry bag, primarily made from bio-based biodegradable polylactic acid (PLA), suitable for packaging in fields such as apparel and home textiles. The scope of accounting covers the entire lifecycle from "cradle" to "grave", including "raw material acquisition - production manufacturing - transportation distribution - disposal".

                        The carbon footprint data and stage distribution of this product

                        Carbon Newture:Carbon emission reduction in the supply chain is key to driving industry sustainable transformation

                        Authoritative, compliant, and reliable carbon data is the cornerstone of achieving emissions reduction in the supply chain. Even for easily overlooked packaging materials, through multi-level traceability, the supply chain carbon reduction management platform developed by Carbon Newture Technology can quantitatively measure carbon emissions at the production level while efficiently managing multiple upstream supply chain enterprises. Utilizing digital technologies such as blockchain, big data, and IoT, the confidentiality, privacy, and security of customer data can also be ensured.

                        Carbon Newture‘s Supply Chain Carbon Emission Management Platform (Dashboard)

                        International Carbon Disclosure Platform for Textile and Apparel:The transparency of carbon information is the lifeline of carbon disclosure

                        To ensure the rights to information for downstream brand customers and consumers, as well as the transparency and traceability of carbon data, Carbon Newture Technology has also uploaded the carbon data of Chunyu Environment-friendly's products, certified by authoritative third parties, to the "International Carbon Disclosure Platform for Textile and Apparel" and the "China Carbon Disclosure Platform for Machinery and Electronics". The platforms utilize digital technologies such as blockchain to empower carbon management, ensuring that carbon data is tamper-proof, secure, private, transparent, fully traceable, and auditable. As shown in the diagram below, once uploaded to the platform, the carbon information of this biodegradable hand-carry bag can be easily traced, achieving a high level of transparency in product carbon information and maintaining a more virtuous low-carbon consumption market.

                        (Website URL for details page:

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