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ZENCE OBJECT TECHNOLOGY: From tea gardens to circular goods, the low-carbon journey of tea residue plastic

When tea leaves gain a second life, they usher in a sustainable lifestyle rooted in the east

Light industry and consumer goods industry

Zence Material Manufacturing (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
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                  In the Tang Dynasty, after drinking seven bowls of tea, Lu Tong felt as if he could ride the wind and return like an immortal.

                  Today, with the rise of new-style tea drinks, Chinese tea culture is experiencing a fresh revival among young people. These new tea beverages blend traditional tea with modern flavors, creating a diverse range of products that have spurred the growth of a booming market.

                  However, with the rise of tea culture, the disposal of tea waste has become an important issue, as improper disposal can release large amounts of greenhouse gases. ZENCE OBJECT TECHNOLOGY (with its brand CHAZENCE), an innovative and sustainability-focused eco-materials company, has found a solution by converting waste tea residues into renewable, eco-friendly materials, giving tea leaves a second life. Their flagship product is a polymer-based environmentally friendly plastic reduction particle made from recycled tea residues.

                  Carbon Newture helps ZENCE OBJECT TECHNOLOGY achieve authoritative carbon footprint certification

                  Recently, with the assistance of Carbon Newture, the Tea Residue Polymer-Based Environmentally Friendly Plastic Reduction Particle product successfully completed its carbon footprint assessment and obtained certification from the authoritative third-party organization, SGS. Based on the scientific and compliant calculation of the product's carbon footprint, ZENCE OBJECT TECHNOLOGY is committed to developing and producing even lower-carbon products, guided by carbon reduction goals, to provide downstream customers and consumers with more eco-friendly products.

                  Furthermore, ZENCE has disclosed the product’s carbon information on the , implementing a comprehensive carbon management process of “carbon footprint assessment, verification, and disclosure.” This ensures transparency, traceability, and the right to information for downstream brand customers and consumers regarding carbon data.

                  01 Reuse: giving tea leaves a second life

                  According to data from the China Tea Marketing Association, the total national output of dry rough tea reached 3.3395 million tons in 2023, an increase of 158,000 tons year-on-year. Tea waste mainly refers to the solid organic waste generated during the production, deep processing, sales, and consumption of tea, with the total amount of waste exceeding that of dry rough tea. For example, Ito En generates 40,000 to 50,000 tons of tea residue annually.


                  Improper disposal of tea waste can lead to environmental pollution. However, if properly utilized, it can even replace traditional non-renewable materials, reducing the burden on the planet while creating functional, more eco-friendly, and lower-carbon alternative materials. These can be used to produce more sustainable, environmentally friendly, and low-carbon building materials and household products, redefining a sustainable lifestyle rich in Eastern cultural heritage.

                  As shown in the diagram below, ZENCE OBJECT TECHNOLOGY not only transforms tea residue into plant-based plastic reduction particles (Tea Plant-Based), but also ensures that while maintaining material performance, the plant-based content replaces and reduces the use of plastic. This material has the advantages of being recyclable, reusable, and contributing to carbon reduction and emission reduction.

                  From tea waste to tea-based plant materials to finished products, with finished product images showcasing the products of ZENCE OBJECT TECHNOLOGY

                  02 ZENCE OBJECT TECHNOLOGY: more than just tea

                  ZENCE OBJECT TECHNOLOGY is an eco-materials company dedicated to addressing global waste and carbon emission challenges. Upholding the principles of "sustainability", "aesthetics", and "innovative materials", and adhering to the philosophy of "technology for good", ZENCE uses advanced biobased purification, degradation, synthesis, and modification technologies to transform agricultural waste into various sustainable green materials. The company is committed to maintaining the delicate balance of the Earth's ecosystem through its ZENCE Circle System™.

                  Source: ZENCE OBJECT TECHNOLOGY

                  ZENCE's first well-known brand, "CHAZENCE", is rooted in tea and advocates the concept of "maximizing the use of tea." The brand is dedicated to researching patented regenerative materials from tea, striving to retain the original color and aroma of the leaves while ensuring that the materials are 100% naturally degradable.

                  CHAZENCE has developed "PrZence©", a tea-based board that can replace wood in furniture and interior decoration. This product boasts features such as being eco-friendly, antibacterial, deodorizing, low-carbon, and safe, offering a fresh alternative for creating sustainable spaces. PrZence© has successfully partnered with organizations such as the Macau Science Center's SDGs Family Fun Space, Starbucks,Taymeet, and BASAO to co-create sustainable solutions.

                  Source: ZENCE OBJECT TECHNOLOGY

                  Additionally, CHAZENCE has specialized in developing EnZence©, a tea-based polymer material designed to replace traditional plastics. This material is widely used in packaging, ESG gift boxes, household items, green gifts, and aesthetic products. EnZence© has also collaborated with brands like HeyTea, DUDDELL'S, Feichangming, and BASAO, jointly working on environmentally sustainable solutions.

                  Source: ZENCE OBJECT TECHNOLOGY

                  Starting with tea but not limited to it, ZENCE OBJECT TECHNOLOGY will continue to be driven by the principle of "technology for good", addressing global waste and carbon emission challenges. Based on the scientific and compliant calculation of product carbon footprints and guided by carbon reduction goals, the company will focus on developing and producing lower-carbon products. ZENCE will also explore more possibilities for carbon-neutral products, offering downstream customers and consumers more eco-friendly options.

                  With a foundation of low carbon, sustainability, and aesthetics, ZENCE fully embodies the essence of Eastern cultural heritage.

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