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Solid: Stainless steel insulation products awarded ISO 14068-1 product carbon neutrality certificate

With the support of Carbon Newture's digital carbon management platform, Shanghai SOLID Stainless Steel Products Co., Ltd. has completed carbon footprint calculation for its five best-selling core products, becoming the first in the country to achieve carbon neutrality for its stainless steel insulation product line based on the international carbon neutrality standard ISO 14068-1. The carbon neutrality certificate was issued by the internationally recognized authoritative third-party certification body TÜV SÜD.

Light industry and consumer goods industry

Shanghai SOLID Stainless Steel Products Co., Ltd.
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                  Shanghai SOLID Stainless Steel Products Co., Ltd.

                  Shanghai SOLID Stainless Steel Products Co., Ltd. (referred to as "SOLID") is a Chinese national enterprise specializing in the research, development, manufacturing, and brand terminal services of cups and thermoses. Upholding the philosophy of "doing a good cup for a lifetime," SOLID has been deeply engaged in the stainless steel insulation products (cups, thermoses) industry for thirty years. It has formed a core brand system including "SOLID," "Camel," "LUOTUO," and "SOLIDWARE," with products exported to over fifty countries and regions including Europe, America, Japan, and Australia.


                  Business background

                  • Policy and access restrictions: Currently, both domestically and internationally, a series of environmental protection policies and regulations have been successively introduced. Enterprises need to take more proactive emission reduction measures to cope with stringent policy requirements and market access restrictions.

                  • Carbon emission pressure: The insulated cup industry, as a major part of daily necessities, generates significant carbon emissions during production, transportation, and sales. From material production to packaging and transportation, as well as post-use disposal, substantial carbon footprints are generated. As a stainless steel product company, raw material acquisition is the primary source of carbon emissions. To achieve product carbon neutrality, enterprises need more professional services to conduct carbon emission diagnosis and develop feasible emission reduction plans.

                  • Corporate social responsibility: Achieving product carbon neutrality is a key initiative for enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities. With increasing consumer demand for green products and sustainable production, more and more companies are actively embracing environmental responsibilities, promoting sustainable development throughout the supply chain via product carbon neutrality.


                  Integrated solution

                  Through the digital carbon management platform provided by Carbon Newture, SOLID completed the carbon footprint assessment of its core products, the "Nonplastic Thermal Flask" and "LEDE Woodpecker Thermal Coffee Pot", and became the first in the country to achieve carbon neutrality for its stainless steel insulated product series based on the internationally recognized carbon neutrality standard ISO 14068-1. The carbon neutrality certificate was issued by the internationally accredited authoritative third-party certification body TÜV SÜD.

                  SOLID:Establishing a solid low-carbon foundation through green production

                  Throughout its history, SOLID has been actively engaged in green and low-carbon production, continuously refining product design and manufacturing processes, and establishing a comprehensive carbon-neutral management plan that is gradually being implemented.

                  In recent years, the company has been actively developing green energy projects. It has completed the construction of three phases of a 1000KVA photovoltaic project, generating 1.25 million kWh of green electricity annually. Both the photovoltaic generation and usage exceed 1 million kWh, with green energy accounting for over 35%. Furthermore, SOLID is continually increasing the proportion of clean energy usage, offsetting any shortfall by purchasing green certificates. This significantly reduces the carbon emissions generated during the product manufacturing process.

                  Benefiting from the environmentally friendly and plastic-reducing design philosophy of its products and the company's sustainable management principles, the "Joyful Bottle" and "Joyful Pot" have a solid foundation for low carbon emissions. However, achieving product carbon neutrality still faces the challenge of the "last mile".

                  Carbon Newture: Helping companies complete the final mile of product carbon neutrality

                  SOLID teamed up with Carbon Newture, utilizing the Carbon Newture digital carbon management platform, to conduct a life cycle assessment (LCA) carbon footprint accounting for its core products from "cradle" to "gate". By purchasing carbon credits to offset the remaining carbon emissions, they completed the final mile in carbon data management and obtained authoritative carbon neutrality certification from TÜV SÜD.

                  Subsequently, SOLID also uploaded the product carbon data certified by third-party authorities to the "", ensuring the transparency and traceability of product carbon data, and better safeguarding the rights to information of downstream customers and consumers.

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                  Join us on the Dual Carbon digitalization journey now!

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