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ABeam China: Successfully achieves event carbon neutrality

Whether it’s halving carbon emissions for the Paris Olympics or achieving carbon neutrality for corporate events, the key is to integrate the concept of carbon reduction throughout the entire process.

Business services industry

Abeam Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
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                  The recently opened Paris Olympics has set ambitious carbon reduction goals. The overall carbon footprint of the Games aims to halve compared to the average levels of the 2012 London Olympics and the 2016 Rio Olympics. When calculating the carbon footprint, this includes not only direct and indirect emissions but also the travel emissions of spectators. Moreover, unlike previous large-scale sporting events, the Paris Olympics has adopted a "pre-game target" strategy, meaning carbon reduction goals and strategies were set before the Olympics began.

                  Source: The official website for the 2024 Paris Olympics

                  Recently, with the help of Carbon Newture, ABeam China set a carbon neutrality goal before the start of their events and formulated a carbon neutrality implementation plan. This plan included defining the accounting boundaries, estimating greenhouse gas emissions, proposing emission reduction measures, and clarifying offset methods. As a result, they successfully achieved carbon neutrality for two events held in Dalian and Shanghai and obtained carbon neutrality certificates issued by an authoritative third-party certification body.

                  Carbon Newture Issues event carbon neutrality certificate to ABeam China, Source:ABeam China

                  Both ABeam China and Carbon Newture believe that achieving event carbon neutrality is not simply about purchasing carbon credits to offset emissions. The key is to integrate the concept of carbon reduction throughout the entire event process, deploying carbon reduction measures before the event begins and implementing them during the event.

                  01.Why events should be carbon neutrality?

                  Climate change is a severe challenge facing human survival and development in contemporary society. Excessive emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are the main cause of global warming, leading to frequent extreme weather, rising sea levels, and ecological damage. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (carbon emissions) to address climate change is a global consensus. Beyond high-carbon sectors such as energy and industry, public awareness and behavior in carbon reduction are also essential components in achieving the dual carbon goals.


                  Making the concepts of carbon reduction and carbon neutrality tangible to the public, allowing people to experience the transition from commitment to action, is crucial for fostering widespread carbon reduction awareness and promoting public carbon reduction actions. Carbon emissions are ubiquitous. In addition to the carbon footprint of the products we purchase daily, various events such as sports competitions, performances, conferences, forums, and exhibitions also generate carbon emissions. The Beijing Winter Olympics, for example, was the first "carbon neutral" Olympics, bringing high-quality, low-carbon impact to athletes and spectators.

                  Ubiquitous carbon footprint, Image produced by Carbon Newture

                  Large events, due to their wide participation and broad influence, can mobilize society effectively and are key targets for advocating and practicing carbon neutrality. Implementing carbon neutrality in events has a demonstrative effect, effectively guiding participants to adopt low-carbon lifestyles and establish green, low-carbon values and consumption habits.

                  For enterprises committed to sustainable development, organizing carbon-neutral events is an efficient way to foster carbon neutrality awareness among internal employees.

                  02. ABeam China achieves event carbon neutrality, embarking on a comprehensive carbon neutral journey from a new starting point

                  ABeam Consulting is a consulting firm with a global development strategy, with 28 branches established across China, Korea, Southeast Asia, the United States, and Europe. The company currently employs approximately 8,200 people, serving clients in numerous industries including manufacturing, aviation, automotive, chemicals, finance, retail, transportation, communications, high-tech, and public relations. Since establishing a presence in China in 2004, the firm has stood out in the competitive market and experienced rapid growth. Currently, it has branches in cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Dalian, Hong Kong, and Taipei. As of July 2024, ABeam Consulting has over 1,100 employees in China.

                  It is noteworthy that ABeam Consulting is one of the few consulting firms globally to have set a carbon neutrality target for 2030.

                  "Carbon-neutral events" are crucial for cultivating employees' green and low-carbon awareness and advancing the company's carbon neutrality goals. The focus of practical implementation is to integrate carbon reduction concepts throughout the entire event process.

                  On-site Image of Event Carbon Neutrality,Source:ABeam China

                  ABeam China strictly adheres to the " Implementation Guidelines for Carbon Neutrality of Large-scale Events (Trial)" issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, implementing the following measures across three stages:

                  1. Planning Stage: Develop a carbon neutrality implementation plan.

                  2. Event Execution Stage: Conduct emission reduction activities, including but not limited to optimizing venue selection and using low-carbon materials.

                  3. Post-event Stage: Calculate greenhouse gas emissions and take offset measures to achieve carbon neutrality.

                  The carbon neutrality of the events in Dalian and Shanghai marks a new beginning in ABeam China’s journey towards carbon neutrality and is another milestone for ABeam Consulting in environmental protection. It not only aligns with China’s 3060 carbon goals but also demonstrates the company’s ambition and responsibility in addressing global climate change.

                  On-site Image of event carbon neutrality of ABeam China, Source:ABeam China

                  In the future, Carbon Newture and ABeam China will deepen their collaboration, working together to achieve carbon neutrality goals and create a greener, better low-carbon future.


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