
Honeywell Sinochem Lantian Environmental Materials Co., Ltd.  logo

Honeywell: Completes carbon footprint calculation and certification for three products

Honeywell Sinochem Environmental Materials help downstream customers in home appliances, automobiles, ships, and other fields achieve green, high-quality and sustainable development

Chemical Industry

Honeywell Sinochem Lantian Environmental Materials Co., Ltd.
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                  Recently, with the assistance of Carbon Newture, Honeywell Sinochem Lantian Environmental Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Honeywell Sinochem Environmental Materials") completed the CFP (carbon footprint of product) calculation for three core products: HFC-245fa, HFO-1233zd(E), and HFO-1234zd(E), and obtained certification from the authoritative third-party organization TÜV SÜD.

                  By calculating the carbon footprint of its products and providing compliant and credible carbon data to downstream customers, Honeywell Sinochem Environmental Materials empowers its clients in the home appliance, automotive, shipbuilding, and other industries to achieve green, high-quality, and sustainable development.


                  Honeywell Sinochem Environmental Materials is a global leader in sustainable specialty chemicals and materials. It primarily produces and sells Enovate® 245fa (HFC-245fa) and Solstice® LBA (HFO-1233zd(E)), while also offering high-value by-products such as HFO-1234ze(E) to meet the growing demand in the Asia-Pacific region for safe, environmentally friendly, and high-performance materials.

                  The three products—HFC-245fa, HFO-1233zd(E), and HFO-1234zd(E)—are low-GWP (global warming potential) foam-blowing agents and refrigerants. They are widely used as blowing agents in polyurethane foams for refrigerators, freezers, water heaters, spray foam, panels, pipelines, LNG vessels, automobiles, and furniture. Additionally, they serve as refrigerants, solvents, and propellants in other applications.

                  In recent years, as consumer awareness of climate change has grown, the sustainability and low-carbon attributes of products have become new drivers of market competitiveness and focal points for marketing strategies.

                  Taking the home appliance industry as an example, Hisense has accelerated its global expansion in recent years and, in October 2024, released its Carbon Neutrality White Paper(Towards Carbon Neutrality -White Paper on the Low-carbon Development of Hisense 2024), announcing its carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals: achieving operational carbon peaking no later than 2026 and operational carbon neutrality no later than 2050. Hisense integrates low-carbon concepts throughout its corporate governance and operations, focusing on three areas: low-carbon operations, a low-carbon supply chain, and low-carbon products and services. By 2026, Hisense aims to achieve 100% carbon footprint coverage for new products in five key categories—televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, household air conditioners, and commercial air conditioners. By 2030, it plans to extend 100% carbon footprint coverage to all products in these categories.

                  It is worth noting that the primary carbon footprint of home appliances comes from upstream raw materials. For example, in refrigerators, upstream materials include not only metals and plastics in the cabinet and doors but also refrigerants and other materials. Therefore, managing and optimizing the carbon footprint of upstream raw materials is critical to reducing the overall carbon footprint of products.

                  Leading home appliance brands have already launched upstream supply chain carbon management initiatives, requiring upstream partners to provide compliant and reliable carbon footprint data. For instance, Hisense has evaluated the carbon emission performance of 35% of its suppliers, promoted 30% suppliers to sign Hisense’s Carbon Reduction Action Commitment and set emission reduction targets. Hisense has also pledged to include 50% of its suppliers in carbon emission control measures by 2025.

                  Source:Towards Carbon Neutrality -White Paper on the Low-carbon Development of Hisense 2024

                  As a globally renowned supplier of specialty chemicals and materials, Honeywell Sinochem Environmental Materials emphasizes innovative strategies and low-carbon development. The company is committed to developing new, more sustainable solutions and next-generation chemical products. Starting with the calculation of product carbon footprints, Honeywell Sinochem Environmental Materials provides environmentally friendly products with lower carbon footprints to its customers.

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