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Polestar: Carbon reduction from the source, creating truly climate-neutral car

Polestar and Carbon Newture have officially reached a strategic partnership. Both parties will fully leverage their respective strengths in the automotive industry and digital low-carbon transformation field, jointly creating a demonstration model for "carbon reduction in the automotive supply chain".

Automotive industry

Jixing Automobile (China) Group Co., Ltd.
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                  Jixing Automobile (China) Group Co., Ltd.

                  Polestar is a global high-performance pure electric vehicle brand, dedicated to a pure design philosophy and cutting-edge technology, pursuing excellence in quality and leading future sustainability. As one of the earliest automotive companies globally to propose the goal of creating "climate-neutral cars", Polestar initiated the "Polestar 0 Project" in 2021, aiming to produce climate-neutral cars by reducing carbon emissions throughout the supply chain and production process by 2030.

                  Business pain points

                  With the global environment becoming increasingly severe, driven by policies and market forces, the automotive industry is facing tremendous pressure to reduce emissions, requiring companies to take proactive measures to mitigate carbon emissions. The environmental impact of industrial vehicles largely stems from the supply chain, making carbon management in the upstream supply chain critical for automotive companies to achieve carbon neutrality goals.

                  However, due to communication barriers in carbon data between upstream and downstream stakeholders, the automotive industry still faces several challenges in supply chain management:

                  • Long and complex supply chains: Enterprises often have thousands of suppliers, resulting in complex chains with numerous levels, making it difficult to consolidate carbon data across the entire supply chain.

                  • Sensitivity and difficulty in data collection: Reliable carbon emission results require suppliers to provide production data, but gathering sensitive information poses challenges.

                  • Wide scope and difficulty in verification: Enterprises struggle to independently manage the vast amount of data from each supplier, compromising the transparency and reliability of the data.

                  • Slow progress and tracking difficulties: Multithreaded communication of data details and progress between upstream and downstream stakeholders makes it challenging to uniformly monitor and track supplier progress in real-time.

                  Integrated solution

                  Through Carbon Newture's self-developed Supply Chain Carbon Management Platform, Polestar can comprehensively manage a large number of multi-tier suppliers in a one-stop manner, accurately identify carbon reduction hotspots in the supply chain, and ensure the security, compliance, and transparency of upstream carbon footprint-related data. With the platform's assistance, Polestar will fully leverage the influence of the chain-leading enterprise to promote carbon reduction across the entire supply chain, thereby reducing carbon emissions from the source and creating truly climate-neutral vehicles.

                  End-to-end service: Carbon Newture's Supply Chain Carbon Management Platform breaks the data silos between upstream and downstream in the supply chain, providing "one-touch access and strict traceability" carbon emission reduction services throughout the entire supply chain, ensuring accurate control at every link of the supply chain.

                  Security and reliability: Considering the sensitivity and confidentiality of supplier data, the platform always prioritizes technical confidentiality and data security to prevent the leakage of sensitive supplier data. All circulated carbon data is verified by third parties, ensuring the compliance and security of the data.

                  Transparency and traceability: By utilizing technologies such as blockchain, big data, and IoT, the platform ensures the security, reliability, transparency, and traceability of carbon emission data throughout the upstream and downstream of the supply chain.

                  Efficient collaborative decision-making: By collaborating with suppliers online, we have improved process efficiency, enabling businesses to easily access carbon reports and visualized data that serve as decision-making tools, thus achieving data-driven decision-making.

                  Carbon Newture‘s Supply Chain Carbon Emission Management Platform (Dashboard)

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