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ZENCE Tech: Carbon-cneutral travel mug defines a new trend in environmental protection

ZENCE Tech has achieved carbon neutrality for 10,022 travel mugs.

Light industry and consumer goods industry

Zence Material Manufacturing (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
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                  Recently, with the help of Carbon Newture, ZENCE Tech completed a full lifecycle carbon footprint calculation for its patented travel cup, from “cradle to grave”, and achieved product carbon neutrality. The certification was issued by the authoritative third-party organization SGS.

                  Carbon Newture Helps ZENCE Tech Achieve Product Carbon Neutrality Certification

                  Previously, Carbon Newture also assisted ZENCE Tech in calculating the carbon footprint of its flagship product—TeaSource eco-friendly plastic-reducing pellets—and obtaining certification from SGS. This product transforms waste tea residue into recycled, sustainable material, giving tea a second life. >> Click to view the case

                  ZENCE Tech: Beyond Tea, Showcasing Eastern Heritage

                  As an ecological materials company, ZENCE Tech is dedicated to addressing global waste and carbon emissions issues. The company adheres to the principles of sustainability, aesthetics, and innovation in materials, while embracing the "technology for good" philosophy. Through advanced biobased purification, degradation, synthesis, and modification technologies, the company transforms agricultural waste into various sustainable green materials. ZENCE Tech is committed to maintaining the subtle balance of Earth's ecosystem through its Shengtai Circle™ system.

                  Source Image: ZENCE Tech

                  With the rise of tea culture, the disposal of tea waste has become a critical issue. Improper disposal can release a large amount of greenhouse gases. However, when properly utilized, it can replace traditional petroleum-based non-renewable materials, helping to reduce the Earth's burden while producing more sustainable, environmentally friendly, low-carbon consumer goods.

                  By utilizing waste tea residue to replace some traditional petroleum-based non-renewable materials, the carbon-neutral travel cup offers consumers a more accessible, healthier, and low-carbon product. This travel cup can hold water, coffee, milk tea, and more, with a lightweight design for easy portability.

                  Carbon-Neutral Travel Cup, Source Image: ZENCE Tech

                  Transparency and Trust, a step toward consumer confidence. ZENCE Tech has also disclosed the carbon information of the carbon-neutral travel cup on the Green Silk Road Carbon Disclosure Platform. This not only implements the full carbon management process of "calculation-validation-disclosure" but also ensures the right to know for downstream brand clients and consumers, guaranteeing the transparency and traceability of carbon data.

                  Source Image: Green Silk Road Carbon Disclosure Platform

                  By scanning the QR code, consumers can easily trace the carbon data and other information about the carbon-neutral travel cup. They can learn about the carbon emissions at each stage of the product's lifecycle, carbon offset projects, and even view the carbon-neutral certificate with a single click.

                  Beginning with tea, but not limited to Tea. In the future, ZENCE Tech will continue to drive its mission of “technology for good” by addressing global waste and carbon emissions issues. Based on scientifically and compliantly calculated product carbon footprints and guided by carbon reduction, the company will develop and produce even lower-carbon products. It will also explore more possibilities for carbon-neutral products, offering downstream clients and consumers products that are friendlier to the Earth.

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