
Carbon Newture x VOXFLOR®: Providing carbon-neutral carpets to help clients create lower-carbon office and operational spaces

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                        01. VOXFLOR®: Early Focus on Materials and the Environment

                        VOXFLOR® Carpets originated as a state-owned enterprise approved by the State Council. Since its establishment in 1997, it has focused on modular carpet and flooring solutions tailored to customer needs. Over nearly three decades of development, VOXFLOR®'s products have reached international markets, with over 50 overseas showrooms and sales teams worldwide. Its clients include renowned companies such as Huawei, Alibaba, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Tesla, L'Oréal, FILA, Adidas, Louis Vuitton, Bank of China, and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank.

                        VOXFLOR® has always believed that sustainability is the future. Beyond its passion for carpets and aesthetics, the company is deeply committed to sustainable development and environmental protection, which drive its daily operations. "As early as 2010, we began focusing on materials and the environment, incorporating sustainability into our products and manufacturing processes to minimize environmental impact. With the growing impact of global climate change in recent years, we have also turned our attention to carbon emissions," Gao shared.

                        VOXFLOR® utilizes bio-based and recycled materials with lower carbon emissions. For instance: SORONA bio-based fiber is made with 37% corn-based materials. ECONYL regenerated nylon is crafted entirely from recycled nylon waste. VOXFLOR®'s patented ECOACE eco-friendly backing uses recycled plastic bottles for its soft underlayer. Additionally, being 10-15% lighter than PVC backings, it reduces energy consumption and carbon emissions during transportation.

                        02. Reducing Carbon Emissions Without Hindering Economic Growth

                        "Profit is only one dimension for evaluating a company"

                        Carbon has become a key topic in sustainability. Gao emphasizes that carbon emissions represent a critical dimension of a company's social contribution. Many clients, especially those excelling in ESG performance, are prioritizing low-carbon suppliers to build low-carbon supply chains and brands.

                        Examples of VOXFLOR®'s clients include Sony, Microsoft, L’Oréal, Huawei and others.

                        VOXFLOR®'s carbon management focuses on three key areas:

                        1. Raw Material Procurement: Prioritizing materials with lower energy consumption during production, recyclability, and materials that are already recycled.

                        2. Production Process: Actively reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions by using renewable energy and optimizing designs to lower emissions.

                        3. End-of-Life Recycling: Initiating a project to recycle used carpets, separating and processing them for reuse in carpet production, enabling a cradle-to-cradle lifecycle.

                        This year, VOXFLOR® began carbon footprint calculation for its products and a comprehensive carbon audit of its factories. With Carbon Newture's support, VOXFLOR® achieved carbon neutrality for its products and factories, verified by an authoritative third-party certification body.

                        As Gao noted, "For a company with a sustainability vision, it’s essential to have an objective and clear understanding of carbon emissions for each product and process. By choosing reliable carbon calculation services and third-party certification, our data becomes more objective and compliant. This transparency builds trust with clients and the public, as demonstrated by our carbon data disclosure on the dual carbon information disclosure platform for light industry products in China. Through this platform, stakeholders can trace basic product information, carbon footprint calculations, lifecycle emission distribution, and pathways to carbon neutrality."

                        “Focusing on carbon emissions and carbon footprints is our way of showing clients and employees that we are committed to doing the right thing. While implementing carbon reduction measures requires significant investment upfront, it brings substantial long-term benefits. For instance, although installing solar panels and upgrading technology demand considerable funding, they reduce energy consumption during production, significantly lowering energy costs. This also means our products have a smaller carbon footprint, which strengthens client trust in our environmentally responsible approach.

                        In this sense, such investments are worthwhile, as reducing carbon emissions does not conflict with economic growth.”

                        03. Low-Carbon Carpets for Innovative Carbon-Neutral Spaces

                        With growing awareness of sustainability among business leaders, many downstream clients are working to create low-carbon offices and operational spaces, such as carbon-neutral stores. As an indispensable part of such spaces, low-carbon carpets provide a significant competitive advantage.

                        VOXFLOR® supports its clients by offering low-carbon solutions, such as carbon-neutral carpets, helping them build innovative carbon-neutral spaces.

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