
CarbonNewture Year-End Summary 2023 | Guiding with technology, breaking boundaries to reshape the industry's dual carbon transformation

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                        In 2023, it was a year filled with changes, challenges, and opportunities.

                        In this year, China's "1+N" policy system became more comprehensive and accelerated the establishment of a product carbon footprint management system. The resumption of CCER, coupled with the nationwide preparation for the expansion of the carbon market, led to unprecedented activity in the carbon market. Internationally, policies and regulations such as CBAM and the new Battery Act were also introduced, posing greater green challenges for export enterprises.

                        Also in this year, we experienced the hottest month on record (September 2023, global average temperature exceeding pre-industrial levels by 1.8°C), placing humanity on the brink of a "climate cliff."

                        The next decade is a critical window for addressing the climate crisis and achieving the 1.5°C temperature control target. It is also an excellent opportunity for businesses in various industries to "overtake on the bend" in their low-carbon transformation journey.

                        In the midst of the climate change upheaval, Carbon Newture has consistently navigated with advanced digital technology, steering towards the dual carbon goals by serving enterprise clients in their low-carbon transformation and contributing to industry-wide dual carbon initiatives.

                        Looking back at 2023, Carbon Newture has remained true to its original mission. It jointly launched the "Carbon Disclosure Platform," efficiently served multiple industries, assisted clients in creating "two sets/types," established "strategic collaborations" with various entities, and garnered honors and customer satisfaction.

                        Jointly with the authorities, we launched two dual carbon information disclosure platforms

                        China Carbon Disclosure Platform for Marchinery and Electronics

                        In March 2023, under the guidance of the Ministry of Commerce, Carbon Newture, in collaboration with the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, jointly launched the "" at the "2023 International Industrial Cooperation Conference (Singapore) and China Machinery and Electronic Products Brand Exhibition."

                        The platform was developed to align with the promotion of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, meeting the proactive response of Chinese machinery and electronic enterprises to various domestic and international green and low-carbon compliance requirements, and fulfilling the demand for green transformation. Its establishment will assist Chinese companies in achieving green transformation amid the backdrop of the "30/60 goals" for carbon peak and carbon neutrality. It provides an intelligent platform for Chinese companies to engage in "two-way interactions" with international free trade markets and public procurement markets.

                        International Carbon Disclosure Platform for Textile and Apparel

                        In October 2023, under the guidance of the Ministry of Commerce, Carbon Newture, in collaboration with the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textile and Apparel, jointly launched the "" at the "Global Textile Carbon Neutral Summit 2023". This platform serves as a centralized hub for dual carbon information in the Chinese textile industry.

                        The International Carbon Disclosure Platform for Textile and Apparel aims to leverage digital technology to integrate dual carbon information in the industry, bridge information gaps, support the green and low-carbon transformation of Chinese textile and apparel enterprises, enhance collaboration and sharing among companies, and address climate change risks.

                        Serving multi-industry enterprises/parks in low-carbon transformation

                        The textile and apparel industry

                        • In June 2023, Carbon Newture released the "Development Trends and Changes in Dual Carbon Policies in the Textile and Apparel Sector," which was included in the Legal Work Yearbook of the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textile and Apparel. The article outlines a comprehensive green innovation path for carbon reduction in the textile industry. It emphasizes techniques such as carbon capture and storage, conducts "carbon audits and accounting", regularly formulates emission reduction plans, implements them periodically, and ultimately achieves carbon neutrality goals for the textile industry.

                        • From yarn to branded products, Carbon Newture has provided comprehensive carbon neutral services, including carbon footprint accounting, carbon neutrality certification, scientific carbon target reduction, and carbon trading, for brands such as Tiqiao Textile, Sinoteco, UPW, Luolai Home Textile, Zhejiang Zhongding Textile, and ZOZORIKA.

                        The chemical industry

                        Carbon Newture has deeply immersed itself in the chemical industry, conducting in-depth research on the carbon reduction challenges and solutions within the chemical industry's supply chain. The company has served chemical enterprises such as Dow Chemical, Zibo Luhua Hongjing, and SF Biochemical. While providing comprehensive carbon neutral services, including carbon footprint calculation, carbon neutral certification, and supply chain emission reduction, Carbon Newture has also delved into exploring the low-carbon development needs of these enterprises, thereby enhancing their sustainability performance under the TfS initiative.

                        The automotive industry

                        Carbon Newture has delved deep into the automotive industry, sharing key points and examples of carbon emission management in the automotive sector. The company will continue to conduct in-depth research on carbon reduction and low-carbon supply chain management solutions within the industry. It aims to provide carbon management services to various stakeholders in the automotive supply chain, facilitating the transition of automotive enterprises towards a more low-carbon, environmentally friendly, and sustainable direction.

                        The machinery and electronics industry

                        Carbon Newture has made significant strides in the electromechanical industry, conducting in-depth research on both domestic and international green compliance policies such as the "New Regulation on Batteries and Waste Batteries" and the "Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)." Leveraging technologies such as the IoT, big data, AI and blockchain, the company is committed to advancing the establishment of a carbon footprint management system for the battery and related industry chains. Furthermore, it aims to innovate carbon management models, assisting enterprises in building intelligent platforms for carbon footprint and supply chain management that are compliant, efficient, and cost-effective, ensuring both compliance and data security.

                        National-level Economic and Technological Development Zone

                        As a pivotal force driving the high-quality development of the regional economy, industrial parks also serve as the primary battleground for promoting industry's low-carbon transformation. Carbon Newture has entered into a collaboration with Nanchang Xiaolan Economic and Technological Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as "Xiaolan Development Zone"), formalizing their partnership by signing the "Industrial Park Green and Low-Carbon Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement." Through the service model of "Low-Carbon Digital Platform + Operations + Exchange and Training," Carbon Newture is committed to advancing the green and low-carbon industrial chain layout in Xiaolan Development Zone, enhancing its advantages in attracting green investments. The collaboration aims to jointly create a green transformation model with intelligent manufacturing characteristics.

                        Empowering clients to create the Nation's First Zero-Carbon Air Layer Fabric and the World's First "Carbon-Neutral" Pet Clothing

                        Certification for Zero-Carbon Air Layer Fabric Products

                        In May 2023, Carbon Newture assisted Tiqiao Textile in obtaining the first national certification for zero-carbon air-layer fabric products. This certification represents the achievements of Tiqiao in its path of sustainable development in recent years. It also affirms the quality of the carbon footprint reports provided by Carbon Newture throughout the product lifecycle. This certification holds significant reference value for the establishment of the entire textile industry's carbon footprint management system.

                        "Carbon-Neutral" Pet Clothing

                        In December 2023, the world's first "carbon-neutral" pet clothing officially received certification, marking a significant milestone in navigating the billion-dollar "pet economy" blue ocean. Sustainable pet fashion brand ZOZORIKA, in collaboration with environmentally friendly yarn company UPW, partnered to create the global debut of "carbon-neutral" pet clothing. With the assistance of Carbon Newture, the product underwent carbon footprint calculation and offsetting. Subsequently, it obtained certification from authoritative third-party organizations and was awarded the Product Carbon Neutral Certificate. The relevant carbon information was then uploaded to the "," contributing to the enhancement of China's carbon footprint database, fostering collaboration along the supply chain, and promoting a more sustainable low-carbon consumption market.

                        Forging Extensive Strategic Collaborations, Joining Forces to Co-create a Low-Carbon Blueprint


                        In September 2023, during the China International Import Expo, Carbon Newture and SGS forged a strategic partnership in green and low-carbon initiatives. The collaboration aims to delve into low-carbon certifications, including carbon footprint and carbon neutrality. This partnership signifies a milestone in the collaboration between a third-party certification agency and a digital solution service provider in the field of low-carbon services.


                        In December 2023, Carbon Newture was officially approved for membership in the Global Battery Alliance (GBA). As a Technology Provider partner, Carbon Newture will actively participate in GBA projects, contributing technological expertise to the collaborative effort in building a global circular, responsible, and equitable battery value chain.

                        Other Strategic Collaborations

                        Earlier, Carbon Newture Technology has established strategic partnerships with international and domestic authoritative certification organizations, including TÜV SÜD, Bureau Veritas, CQC, CTI, and WIT.

                        Honors Received

                        • Carbon Newture selected as "Shanghai's 2023 Annual Industrial Communication Carbon Management Pilot."

                        • Carbon Newture officially becomes a new member of the Global Battery Alliance (GBA).

                        • At the 2023 Third Carbon Neutrality Boao Forum, Carbon Newture was honored with the "Outstanding Service Organization in the Carbon Neutrality Field" award.

                        • Carbon Newture selected for the "NEX COP28 Climate Technology Accelerator."

                        • At the Third Green Technology Forum, Carbon Newture received the "2023 Blue Innovation Carbon Neutrality Pioneer Award" and was listed among the awarded and shortlisted enterprises.

                        • Previously, Carbon Newture completed the filing for the tenth batch of domestic blockchain information services with the National Cyberspace Administration.

                        Weekly Carbon News – Carbon Newture will continue to provide you with the latest and most important dual carbon information

                        Climate knows no boundaries, and the birth of Carbon Newture stems from our desire to assist businesses in collectively addressing the challenges of climate change.

                        In 2024, we will continue to uphold our initial aspiration of "Creating a Sustainable New Future through Technology and Innovation," supporting enterprises across various industries in thriving and prospering together in the era of dual carbon.

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