
GB/T 24067-2024


Greenhouse gases:Product carbon footprint Quantification requirements and guidelines.

Published at:Published by:State Administration for Market Regulation
For professional interpretation and policy consultation, please contact us

Key info

  • Chinese name:温室气体 产品碳足迹量化要求和指南
  • English name:Greenhouse gases:Product carbon footprint Quantification requirements and guidelines.
  • Standard number:GB/T 24067-2024
  • Published by:State Administration for Market Regulation
  • Implementation date:2024-10-01
  • Published at:2024-08-23
  • Sectors:-


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          This standard was drafted by China National Institute of Standardization, Eco-Environmental Research Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Huace Certification Co., Ltd., State Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, China Quality Certification Center, Environmental Protection Center of Ministry of Transport, China Textile Industry Federation, State Grid Corporation of China, Shenzhen Institute of Metrology and Quality Inspection, Shanghai Tianyue Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd., Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Process Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fangyuan Mark Certification Group Co., Ltd., Fujian Nanping Carbon Metrology Center, China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd., State Power Investment Group Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., China Packaging Federation, China Southern Power Grid Research Institute Co., Ltd., State Energy Group Capital Holdings Co., Ltd., China Huanan Automotive Research Institute (Beijing) Low Carbon Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Quality System Audit Center, Siemens (China) Co., Ltd., Huaxia Certification Center Co., Ltd., China Local Coal Mine Co., Ltd., China Mobile Internet of Things Co., Ltd., Fujian Aerospace Carbon Smart Technology Co., Ltd., Hainan Inspection and Testing Institute, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Wood Industry Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Forestry, China Building Energy Conservation Association, Longi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. 、Hefei General Electromechanical Products Testing Institute Co., Ltd.、Xingyuan Certification Center Co., Ltd.、Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd.、Guangdong Midea Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd.、Beijing Rubber Industry Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd.、Jilin Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute、ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Research and Development Co., Ltd.、Guangdong Wire and Cable Industry Association、Suzhou New Carbon Fenghe Technology Co., Ltd.、Beijing Low Carbon Clean Energy Research Institute、Sichuan China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd.、Jiangsu Weinuo Testing Technology Co., Ltd.、Longyuan (Beijing) Carbon Asset Management Technology Co., Ltd.、Shandong Guolan Testing Technology Co., Ltd.、Hainan Electric Power Industry Development Co., Ltd.、Hubei China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd.、Guizhou Renhuai Shenren Packaging Printing Co., Ltd.、Guangdong Midea HVAC Equipment Co., Ltd.、Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Fine Printing Co., Ltd.、Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Co., Ltd.、Guangzhou Aotong Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.、Combibloc (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.、Zhiji Construction Group Co., Ltd.、Zhengzhou Water Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd.、Jinan Quanhua Packaging Products Co., Ltd.、Guangdong Daily Chemical Chamber of Commerce、Shanghai Chaowang Technology Co., Ltd. , Xiamen Jihong Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Panyu Cable Group Co., Ltd. and other companies.

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